Let Dogs Be Dogs

Let Dogs Be Dogs: Understanding Canine Nature and Mastering the Art of Living with Your Dog is a new book co-authored by Marc Goldberg and the New York Times best-selling authors The Monks of New Skete.
Ring The Potty Bell

Teach your Dog to Ring the Potty Bell! One of the most useful tricks a dog can learn is to ring a bell when it's time to "go!" Not only can you teach Marc Goldberg's handy alert system to YOUR dog or young puppy, but you can accomplish the training in two weeks or less. We teach you how to teach your dog to Ring the Potty Bell as a simple game making it fun for both of you. Never miss another potty break...now your dog will give you a jingle! Only $5.99.
Housebreaking 101

Want to housebreak your own puppy or adult dog? Save thousands of dollars in damage. Don't get mad....get help! Housebreaking 101 gives you step by step instructions on the easiest way to housebreak your puppy or grown dog. Works for most dogs! You'll see lots of improvement, even if you've been struggling. Marc Goldberg's tips troubleshooting tips are included. The Potty Game changes training from frustration to fun. Only $5.99!
Does Your Dog Hate The Crate?

If your dog cries and fusses in the crate, you may feel too guilty to use this important tool. Yet if you don't, your dog may literally destroy your house... and even hurt him/herself in the process.
Crate Anxiety Affects Millions of Dogs and Their Owners.
Get Unlimited Instant Access to the Dog Crate Anxiety Solution training video AND the PDF training guide. For only $4.95
Our Philosophy & Goals
Our philosophy is simple. Improve the life of both dog and family. All too often, unruly dogs do not fully enjoy life because their families constantly become upset and frustrated with them. This is difficult for both family and dog.
Our mission is simple. Make both dog and family happy.
What does is take to make your dog happy? He will thrive when you give him leadership and attention.

Making the family happy is a bit more complex.
Families typically want their dog to:
- Come when called, every time, on or off leash
- Walk nicely on a loose leash without pulling
- Sit until released
- Down until released
Families also want their dogs:
- Not to jump on people
- Not to charge through doors
- Not to dig in the garden
- Not to bark and chew inappropriately
- Not to climb on furniture you prefer they avoid
- Not to sniff and eat off the table and counters.
- Not to be wild and uncontrollable
- Not to ignore you when you want their attention