Dog training teaches your dog healthy behaviors and strengthens the bond between you and your pet. It is a great way to make sure your dog is well behaved inside of the household, capable of great walks, and understands how to maintain composure around people and pets. Dogs also feel much closer to their owners when they have these great interactions.
But sometimes we find that owners use training as their ONLY time to create a bond with their dog, and that’s a mistake. Dog training may be useful for developing a bond, but it is not a substitute for other activities, including:
- Affection
- Walks
- Time Spent Socializing
Dog training is designed to augment, not replace, any of the typical experiences that you share with your pet. Those that prioritize it will find that the strength of the connection between them and their dog makes them feel like a true family.
Dogs Take Time – That Time is Worth It
One of the most common things we hear from new dog owners is “we are surprised how much time our dog requires.” While we know this is meant in good faith, it’s often sad to realize that so many people out there think a dog is something you can set and forget. Dogs are both family members and animals. They take a lot of time, and that time is spent doing dog things.
But all that time you spend with your dog pays off. Dogs that feel loved, cared for, and noticed are better listeners. They’re better family members. They have better behaviors. They are more loyal and in-tune with your own emotions.
Dog training is a great way to build a bond with your dog. But training can only help guide, not replace, the time you and your dog spend together. Make sure you’re continuing to do activities with your dog and watch as they become exactly the type of pet that you always dreamed of – with a little help from dog training, of course.